Why Your Business Needs An Online Backup Service

Every business owner, Irvine SEO agency, and developer always looks for the ways where they can store data without the fear of losing it. If you are the one or pursuing to be one, you must be familiar with how important it is to secure your data and increase storage efficiency. 

Some of us always look for perfection in all areas of the business. But one thing that we often ignore is to back up all the data and being prepared for the data loss. 

What’s surprising is that despite realizing how essential business data is, it feels like some of us entirely neglect the effective management of the data.  There are several examples which illustrate where the web-hosts loss significant data of the clients including the backs, which were targeted by the cyber-attacks while hacking the websites and leaving the business hardware down for hours and hours. 

We cannot imagine that the clients’ website and database or our own business will evaporate overnight. In case you are not prepared, this loss can be permanent, and there is absolutely no way to go back. 

Search shows that at least 65% of businesses have already lost data due to the software, hardware, or human error. And, with the increase in reliance on the Cloud, more companies are losing data every day. Let’s focus on how an online backup service can help you save your precious data at the time when things go wrong entirely. 

By data, I mean web and mobile applications; websites hosted on a cloud server, cloud server files, and the databases of your eCommerce website. So let’s get started. 


Reduce the cost and minimize the risk 

Backups are crucial-it’s a no brainer. Backups are crucial because, without them, a business takes a considerable risk of data without having a chance to recover it. Therefore, you must back up everything you run for your clients or your business. It always allows you to improve your data when things go wrong, and you can successfully recover your essential business data. 

Whenever your websites or the applications do not function properly, you lose data. The downtime will cause lost customers, lost leads, and lost leads if you are unable to save the data, consequently preventing your clients from using the product or service as they were before. 

At times it is even hard to revert to the existing version of your database or get the deleted files restored. 


Regain lost time 

Would you like to spend more time manually setting up backs or continue dealing with the errors? Of course, not! 

Do you feel comfortable to write your scripts for the data backup and then maintain them? Maybe, but it feels a complicated process. 

The issue with writing your script is there is a higher probability of failure because a lot of the customized scripts can go wrong.  So for example, you may forget to update your database credentials in the script once you amend them. There are a variety of other associated issues including running out of the disk space, failure of the cloud storage, or just any of the other possible reason that will entirely break the custom backup scripts. You won’t be notified about the issues until the day you realize you need the backups. 

I am confident that you want to recover the lost time as much as possible and would like to worry less about the data health. You should check Simple Backups. It can help you save your data and ensure it’s health by taking care of the overall backup process. It only notifies you once anything goes wrong.


Break-free of deteriorating infrastructure 

Own your backups if you want ultimate security of your data. Have you ever experienced a situation where you wanted to roam from one cloud hosting to another and realize that it is too time-consuming and painful because the web host has your backups? What’s distressing is that there are many web hosts only give your permission to restore your backups on their platform. It means that it is not possible to take your own data away, move away, and then deploy it somewhere else according to your choice. 

You must not have any issues as long as you are comfortable with your website for whatever service it is providing you. However, you need to understand that the competition between the cloud platforms and web hosts is already fierce, and the offering is dynamic with various agreements and prices. You would like to change the platform if you are given better value and higher quality for the price you are already paying. 

If it is relatable, you must check SimpleBackups which is recommended by the Irvine SEO agency. It allows you to own backups and you can maintain your storage while offering you a lot of other options. It empowers you, and it turns out to be more useful. You are now infrastructure-independent, and you can now easily switch between different platforms whenever you feel you are locked in. 

All the web development and Irvine SEO agencies and the developers need to create highly sophisticated backup systems to ensure the safety of the data. 


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