Contact An SEO Company In Irvine To Make Sure Your Site Is Flawless

For many web designers in Irvine, it can difficult to admit that you are fallible. You feel like you never make mistakes, so there can’t be anything wrong with your site. But if you aren’t getting the sales and engagement numbers that you want, then you’re going to need to do some optimization, and you might not be the best person for the job. The reason is that, competent as you are, you might be too close to it, and therefore not able to identify mistakes as easily as if it was someone else’s work. That is when you should bring in an SEO company, Irvine. They can watch out for mistakes that hurt UX, like these.


Who Are You?


It seems like a simple notion to identify your company and what you’re all about the moment someone arrives at your landing page. However, you’d be surprised how some websites don’t fulfill this most basic of functions. Some seem to feel like a logo will adequately explain who they are, or else there will be a company title but no description of what that company does. That’s bad SEO, Irvine, and it’s one of the first problems that an agency will be able to identify.


They don’t need to get bogged down in your mission statement or company origin right there on your landing page. There will be ample time for that. First, you need only your company title, a logo, if you have one, and a brief, one sentence explanation of what you do and what you’re selling.


Examine the SERPs


Organic search traffic will first see you and learn about you through the SERPs, Irvine. Because of that, you should take care with what you allow to be indexed. If you are using a robots.txt file to restrict the crawling of some of your site content, then you or your SEO company should review all of your pages with Google Analytics. It could be that some of those SERP results related to your site are not the first impression that you want to give a searcher. CMS documentation pages which are ranking, for instance, probably should be kept off of there if possible.


To eliminate confusion, ask your SEO company to employ unique, relevant title elements, descriptions, and URL naming-conventions that are keyword specific. This will give searchers an accurate idea of what to expect if they choose to click on your site. By doing so, you’ll improve your ever-important bounce rate.


Once you have accepted that no site is perfect and that there is always optimization that can be done, you will feel better about handing the reins over to an SEO company. If you’re a business owner, then you can focus on other things while your site is being optimized. The constant tinkering with your site is not an idle pastime. It’s the best way to make sure that your visitors don’t become frustrated with the UX and take their business elsewhere, as often happens.


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