Finding A Guest Blogger Can Be A Solid SEO Technique

In Irvine, CA, you might wish to find yourself some guest bloggers for SEO purposes. Hosting guest bloggers on your site can be a way for you to attract some of their followers if they are an influencer with many fans. Likely some of them will be unfamiliar with your brand, and this can serve as an introduction. But how do you find guest bloggers? Here’s a foolproof way to do it.


Use Content Explorer


If you’ve never heard of it before, Content Explorer is a search engine for web content that is updated daily. You can type “Irvine, CA” into it, or any other term or phrase, and you’ll get a list of web pages that mention those keywords prominently. If you type a single phrase, you’ll get back thousands of results, which is far too many. How to narrow it down?


You’ll next need to click the “one article per domain” box on the right side of the screen. This will winnow the results down to the pages that belong to the individual blogs. There will still likely be thousands of them.


Modify the Results Further


Next, look at the top results. By hitting the “export” button, you’ll get a comprehensive list of the sites that feature the terms for which you are looking. The problem is, there are still going to be too many. You don’t have the time to study each of these thousands of remaining blogs to determine which ones are worth contacting. However, you can apply a “domain rating” filter.


A domain rating of 0-20 means the blog at which you are looking probably does not have enough SEO impact to justify you contacting them. These might be newer blogs that don’t get much traffic yet. A rating of 21-70 is probably going to be your best bet. These are blogs that get a good or great amount of engagement. A score of 71 and over means that you’re looking at the best blogs in Irvine, CA, or wherever else you are located. It will be tough to get these bloggers to write for you. You’d probably have to provide a significant incentive for them to do so.


So you see, it’s not very difficult to find potential guest bloggers if you use Content Explorer. You can modify the search in several different ways, depending on what exactly you are trying to find. If some keywords aren’t getting the results you want, switch them up. Broaden the search, or narrow it, until you see some viable prospects. Guest blogging in Irvine, CA, is a solid SEO technique. It can benefit both your company and the guest blogger. It is by forming these partnerships that you will foster brand growth and increase your visibility and impact.


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