Having content go viral, or become incredibly popular very quickly, is the dream of every company in Irvine. But how do you do it? The best chance you have is to contact an Irvine SEO company. They can meet with you and discuss your options, and they can study your niche to determine what sort of content is going to be most valuable to your followers and site visitors. However, there are certain universalities to viral content. Having these qualities does not mean that your posts are guaranteed to see a wild spike in popularity. But it will give you a great shot at it.


Social Currency


Social currency ties into the notion that some content that is being shared has more value than others. By sharing it, you’re smarter than the average person, or more socially conscious, or more aware of current events, or whatever else the case might be. If you post content that makes people look smart, Irvine, then they’re more likely to share it.




An SEO company would also likely point out that short, concise content is more likely to go viral. If it’s a video, 30 seconds or one minute is probably your best bet. People have short attention spans, and they might be looking for a brief chuckle or diversion at work or on the go.


Make It Relatable


If your content is text-based, you’re going to want to fashion something that people can relate back to their own lives in some way. Observations that are far outside their range of experience are probably not going to lead them to want to share. You want content to which many people will feel a personal connection.


Make It Interactive


If the people can interact with the content, it has a high chance of going viral, Irvine. Quizzes are a popular format for viral content. If they reveal something about the person, like what character from a TV show they most resemble, for example, then they’re likely to want to take the quiz so that they can compare their results with their friends.


Allow Room For Comments


You always want to encourage give-and-take, so if you’re a blogger, make sure that you have an easy-to-use comment section. Be sure and respond to insightful or controversial comments. The more conversation you get, the higher the chances of the post going viral.


With all this in mind, your Irvine SEO company can get to work and start crafting some content that they feel will catch fire. You never know quite what is going to capture people’s imaginations, but these guidelines should get you heading in the right direction.