How Your Irvine SEO Company Can Improve UX On Your Site

UX, or user experience, is of tremendous importance as it relates to your website. If you hire an Irvine SEO company, you might assign them a PPC marketing campaign, or task them with finding you some brand ambassadors. One thing that you should certainly have them do, though, is concentrate on improving your UX. It’s not just because Google views it as important. If someone comes to your site looking to buy something and immediately becomes frustrated with your site layout or some other on-page element, they’re going to leave. Here are some things your SEO company can do to keep that from happening.


The Visual Hierarchy


If you pull up your landing page and you squint at it or look with unfocused eyes, Irvine, the most vital elements of the page should be the biggest ones and the ones that are most prominently featured. If items that you want your visitors to focus on are not the largest and most unmistakable, then you have a poor visual hierarchy, and you need to move some things around or reformat them.


Spatial relationships and size on the page matters for each element. If there is too much competing for a visitor’s attention, that’s the first place you should focus for page improvement.


Simplicity is Often Better


You might think that you’re a hotshot web designer if you know how to create all kinds of visually engrossing effects on a webpage. But just because you know how to do something (or many things), it doesn’t mean that it is preferable for you to use all of them at the same time, Irvine. Your SEO company should understand that less is often more in the web design world.


Grandiose design ideas or elements that make your pages look too busy will distract the user from the task they went there to accomplish. Whether they want to view an article on your blog, figure out how to follow you on a social media platform, or buy something from you, a clean, simple design that makes use of carefully selected visual elements is always going to trump louder and flashier. Great design are pages that fulfill their function for every person who visits them, both the individual who spends every moment online and the one that has only just learned how to use a computer.


If you keep this mindset, Irvine, and your SEO company does as well, then you should be able to optimize your website with no problems. It’s when you try to improve things by making them more complicated than necessary that you get yourself into trouble. A simple yet elegant design and excellent copy are what will keep your customers coming back. It is on those elements which you must focus if you want more sales and engagement.   


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