The importance of on site seo and off site seo

The key to having a well optimized seo campaign is to have your onsite SEO optimized to the fullest so when all of your off site seo directs back to you site with ease. On site seo consist of an immense amount of optimization you don’t even see from the website. Some of the more simple onsite seo consist of having a site map, keywords, Google map intigration and images properly tagged. Off site seo consist of any link that is dirrecting back to your website like Social Media, articles, blogs forum posting and much much more. The key to having the proper amount of onsite and off seo will determine how Google ranks you. This is why we have 2 employees just running test campaigns to see what is working best and to make changes to get the edge on your competitors. We have learned that posting manually with no automation is the key so every post is done by hand.

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