How An SEO Company Can Boost Your CTR

What is CTR? It stands for click-through rate, and if your business hopes to succeed in 2019 and beyond, then you need to hire an Irvine SEO company that knows all about it.


Your click-through rate refers to the number of people who are clicking on your website when it shows up in the Google search results. If you don’t have a high click-through rate, then that means people aren’t coming to your site. You are therefore not going to be getting sales, getting people to sign up for your mailing lists, and convincing them to subscribe to your social media channels.


The Challenges Affecting CTR


Irvine businesses that want a respectable click-through rate face significant challenges these days, which is why many of them hire SEO companies in the first place. What obstacles might there be that will get in the way of people clicking on your site when it shows up in the search results?


Well, there are Google ads for which other companies have paid. They might show up at the top of the SERPs and poach a customer who might otherwise have visited your site. Specific keywords also trigger images that appear for products. The person might click on one of those images and go to a different website than yours. Then there are featured snippets. Featured snippets include all kinds of information and graphics that could easily appeal to a Google user, and again, the presence of one that tops your site could steal away a potential visitor.


Boosting Your Organic Click-Through Rate


The challenge facing your business and your Irvine SEO company as we approach 2019 is how to compete with carousels, “people also ask” boxes, ads, answer boxes, etc. Organic click-through rate that might lead a person to your website keeps dropping because Google has all of these options. Many of them have been paid for so that they’ll steal potential traffic away from companies with fewer resources.


To combat this, careful research is going to be required on your part or the part of your Irvine SEO company.


You’ll need to get some long-tail keywords that relate to your niche which other companies haven’t come up with yet. To find them, use one of the many keyword-finding tools that are out there. You can also look at forums or subReddits where people in your niche spend their time. Topics that keep coming up are clearly of interest, so if you optimize your site to include those keywords, then you should be able to rank for them, beating out all the other competitors.


Ranking with Google these days is a cutthroat business, no question about it. There’s more competition than ever before, and if your SEO game is not razor sharp, you’re going to fall in the SERPs and miss out on organic click-throughs that are so desperately needed to generate new customers. But that’s the reality with which you are faced, so find the SEO company that can help you. Together, the two of you can still compete if you show resilience and drive.   


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