Does Your SEO Company Know How To Cultivate Your Online Reputation?

There are a lot of companies in Irvine, CA that hire SEO agencies to handle various aspects of their social media, advertising campaigns, etc. But what about customer reviews of your business that appear different places online? How much should they be a focus for you and your SEO company, and what can be done about the negative ones?


How Much Do Reviews Matter?


In answer to the question of how much reviews of your business matter online, the short answer is that they matter quite a bit. Think about this: if you’re looking for something near you using the internet, you’re going to pay attention to the reviews if it’s not an establishment that you’ve frequented before. That’s going to be true of anything, hardware stores, plumbing companies, pizza places, yoga studios.


Most people seem to feel that way, too. That’s why sites like Angie’s List and Yelp are so popular. People who are looking at an establishment or a service that they haven’t used before only have these online reviews to use for reference. Even if they’re not going to a review site, they can still see reviews of the business in question by looking at the results on Google.


What Can Be Done About Them?


As for your Irvine, CA-based business and the SEO agency that you’ve hired, one of their duties should be to monitor the web and see what people are saying about your company. There is software that they can use to pinpoint where people are talking about and reviewing your business, and then they can act, depending on the nature of the feedback you’re getting.


If the reviews are positive, then no action is necessary. However, your SEO company may wish to reach out to the person who wrote a positive review of your business if you want to use that review as a testimonial on your site.


If a review is negative, then it is very much in your best interest for your SEO company to try and contact the individual who had a bad experience. They can speak for your business and express regret that the product or service that they purchased was not satisfactory. They can then ask if there is anything that they can do to fix the problem.


In rare cases, the person who wrote the review is so irate that they are not willing to listen to reason. However, in many cases, you can get the person to take down or change the review if you can fix whatever problem they had. It’s vital that you do this because those negative reviews do matter. If the first thing that a person is reading about your company is negative, then they may decide to go to one of your competitors.


In Irvine, CA, there’s competition in just about every niche, and if you want to make some headway in your market, you need positive reviews. Your SEO company can cultivate a positive reputation for you online if they remain vigilant.

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