Your SEO Company Must Know How To Get You The Number One Spot On Google

If you own a company in Irvine and you are trying to rank number one in Google for a specific keyword, then you need to hire the SEO agency that will get you there. There’s no in-between status for a mission of this nature. Your SEO company either has what it takes to get you that coveted position, or they don’t. But even if you haven’t found the company that can get you that top spot, there’s good news: you might be able to do it yourself if you follow these steps.


Actionable Content


If your Irvine-based company is trying to rank for keywords that are highly competitive, then it’s not an easy task beating out the competition. A few years ago, Google rolled out the Rankbrain algorithm adjustment. It was a game-changer in the way it accurately assessed how users interacted with sites in the search results. Based on bounce rate, if people liked your website as the result of a search term, Google gave you a push up the rankings. If people didn’t like your site, they did the opposite.


As it turns out, trying to figure out what Google users want isn’t that complicated. They want actionable content, as an Irvine SEO company will doubtless confirm. When someone looks for something on Google, they don’t usually want an opinion from some random person. They want a problem solved.


For instance, if someone was to type in a term like “lawn care,” then your local lawn care company is probably going to do well if you provide instantly accessible contact information rather than advice on how to create a topiary maze. It’s highly likely that the searcher is looking for something actionable, or else they would have phrased the query differently. You need to give them what is required so they can take that action without delay.


Do Anything You Can To Reduce Bounce Rate


People talk about how high bounce rates hurt your Google rankings, Irvine, but many don’t seem to realize how critical of a factor they are. If people are bouncing right back out of your site again, it tells Google that, beyond a doubt, your website should be buried in the SERPs. You have to do whatever is necessary to make sure that stops happening.


The best way to do that is to follow this formula. First, you have to show a Google searcher that your site is going to give them whatever it is they need. Using the same example as before, lawn care, you need to make sure that the result for your site emphasizes that your company is available for local lawn care jobs. To prove that you’re the result they wanted, you should then mention how many lawns you’ve cared for recently, establishing your local bona fides. Next up you need to have contact information ready for them. It’s unlikely they will bounce away from your site if they can see all of that in the Google results before they’ve even clicked on your website. A lower bounce rate will be the result.


Your SEO company in Irvine must know how to work in tandem with Google to get you to the top of the rankings. If they aren’t able to do that, you must take action to do so yourself. One way or another, you need that top ranking for the search term or terms that are most relevant to your niche. Without that, the bounce rate in the Google results is going to hurt your business significantly.


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