How To Use Instagram For Business Promotion

Instagram is a social media platform that some companies in Irvine discard because they don’t know quite how to use it in a way that’s beneficial for marketing purposes. However, if you hire the right Irvine SEO company, they may be able to come up with a plan for your Instagram feed that will get you more engagement than you might have believed possible.


We talked to some SEO agencies, and these are the tips they gave us regarding Instagram marketing.


Cross Promotion


Something that virtually every SEO company to which we spoke mentioned was cross-promotional efforts related to Instagram.


If you’re looking for more followers, ask your fans on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. to follow you there. If these people are already following you on other social media channels, then you know they are interested in your brand. They’ll likely be willing to look you up on Instagram if they have a profile there.


The reason for this tactic is that you can’t assume that your content is going to reach people connected with your brand across every one of your social media channels. Some people drift away from specific platforms and only use others. Therefore, the more cross-promotion you attempt, the more likely that your posts are going to get noticed.


Find the Right Posting Frequency


You also need to figure out how often to post so that you keep your followers apprised of what’s happening with your brand, but at the same time, you can’t overwhelm them, Irvine businesses.


Your SEO company should understand that there is not a magic formula in this respect. It’s going to be different for each brand.


That’s why you should use an SEO agency that has done this sort of thing before. If they’ve worked within your niche, then they will have some idea of how often is appropriate, but they can also use analytics tools to see how much engagement your posts are getting, and they can adjust the frequency accordingly.


Fan Interaction


More than anything else, though, SEO companies talked about using fan interaction as a way to foster growth among your followers. If you react every time someone reaches out to you using Instagram, then you’ll be known as a company that cares.


Your followers will be encouraged to stay with you, and they will tell their friends about you too. Social media depends largely on word-of-mouth, and you need to figure out how to keep your followers happy.  


Instagram is home to a vibrant community that enjoys interacting with the brands that they follow. If you can tap into some people there who like your products and services, then you may find this social media platform to be more beneficial than you expected, Irvine businesses.


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